Čím se geomorfologie zabývá

(z řeckého γῆ, ge = Země; μορφή, morfé, = tvar; and λόγος, logos = slovo)

Geomorfologie je vědecká disciplína, která se zabývá studiem tvarů zemského povrchu (georeliéfem) a procesů, které tyto tvary formují. Níže uvádíme některé z mnoha definicí geomorfologie a její náplně:

"A term that arose in the Geological Survey in the USA in the 1880s, possibly coined by J.W. Powell and W.J. McGee. In 1981 McGee wrote: "The phenomena of degradation form the subject of geomorhology, the novel branch of geology."
"Many geomorphologists believe that the purpose of geomorphology goes beyond reconstructing earth history (see DENUDATION CHRONOLOGY), and that the core of subject is the comprehension of the form of the ground surface and the processes which mould it."
Andrew Goudie In: Thomas D.S.G., Goudie A.(eds.): The Dictionary of Physical Geography, 2000.

"Geomorphology is a science which investigates the landforms of the earth. Also included are the forms on the land surface, the mountains, valleys, slopes, river beds and dunes, for example, and the submarine forms on the sea floor, such as coastal mud flats, coral reefs and submarine canyons."
Frank Ahnert, Introduction to Geomorphology, 1996.

"There is no question that geomorphology is a science of fundamental importance. We inhabit, indeed all life evolved at a dynamic interface between a rocky planetary surface and its atmosphere and hydrosphere..."
Victor R. Baker, Introduction: Regional Landform Analysis, Geomorphology from Space.

Kde pracují naši geomorfologové?

Naši geomorfologivé pracují v nejrůznějších prostředích na několika kontinentech. Chcete vědět, v jakých regionech? Klikněte na mapu pro spuštění dynamické prezentace.